Prodesse Quam Conspici...a reminder of purpose
I disliked most of the time I spent as a teenager. I felt consistently awkward, lacked confidence, and couldn't really figure out who I was. I was considered "smart"-good classes, debate team, but was never athletic. I had a core group of really nice friends, and they were good to me, but I felt so insecure I feared they would disappear in a moment. I was a classic good girl. I didn't get in to trouble. I wasn't interested in drinking or anything like that, I liked school, and was in the youth group at church. However, being a teen was hard-people were tough, comments were unkind, and frankly, I yearned for college and an opportunity to reinvent myself. When I left for college, I was thrilled to be the only person from my high school attending Miami University. I wanted the chance to be myself, be real, and leave it up to others to take it or leave it. I was so blessed that I fell into a hallway my freshman year with girls who were funny...