
Showing posts from January, 2018

We Are ALL Moms

We recently discovered Ciera needs glasses.  We noticed that the type on her Kindle was rather large, and even while reading with her grandparents, they noticed she had to look closely at the screen. If you have read my blog before, you might recall that the kids have Medicaid until they are eighteen as a result of being adopted through foster care.  In some ways, this has allowed us to have great services at no cost, and allow us to redirect the funds we would have had to spend on insurance and copays to the other needs they have-and to build a college fund that is starting quite late. Great news-the Target Optician takes Medicaid.  Bob took Ciera there for an appointment, and low and behold, our girl needs glasses for reading the board and for a book. Upon getting the prescription for glasses, Bob began the search to get the lenses made.  Turns out, this is a way different experience. After about ten phone calls, we finally found a place about fifteen minutes from home that would