Blasted Buffet

I love to cook.  It's something cathartic for me.  When we built our current home, we made certain that the kitchen was an environment that was comfortable and the center of the home.  For me, it's the heart of the home.  The large island is often crowded around with great conversation, food, and wine.   There are always large bowls of fresh fruit and vegetables on the counters, a favorite cookbook on an easel, drawers filled with serving dishes.
Often, I spend weekend afternoons making large quantities of homemade food.  I love the way the house smells when I cook, and I love being able create large meals that I can use throughout the week to feed my family.  At least, that was my vision. That I know now is an illusion.
I never expected to be able to serve curried mussels to a seven and eight year old.  I knew that there might need to be "adult dinner" some nights so Bob and I could enjoy finer foods.  However, my family palate has become a complex puzzle that the most advanced mathematician could find challenging.
Example.....the kids love chicken fingers, the holy grail in kid food.  No problem.  I marinated chicken tenders.  I created my own wheat breadcrumbs.  I dipped the chicken in egg, crumbs, and baked them.   Fantastic.  They are delicious...except if you are Ciera.   "Mommy, these are not chicken fingers."  "Oh yes they are Ciera, they are good for you and they are chicken fingers".  Turns out, what they are not, is Bojangles . 
I got this.  New mommy can handle it.   Let's make enchiladas.  Everyone like chicken? Great?  Black beans? Yup! Spanish rice? You bet.  Boys in my family-saying gracias to Mommy.  Ciera not so much....Que pasa? "Mommy, I guess I really don't like enchiladas.  But the rice is great!"  Awesome, the rice from the mix is good.  Of course it is...processed food is best for her palate.
Chicken chili-chicken is harmless, corn is loved.  Everyone loves a little bit of chili.  Hell no.  Resounding echo "Mommy, this is not my favorite."  is now the 'coined' line that the kids have been taught to say.  How could I possibly expect you to like this meal?
Spaghetti and meatballs are a staple.  Been serving that at least every other week since the kids moved in.  They love it.  Or so I thought.  One night, I got home late and Bob had served dinner and dropped a large bomb on me....while I was drinking my Pinot Noir.  Turns out the meatballs are 'spicy' and the kids don't love them-could I please make the recipe less flavorful.  That's what good cooks do-make the food more bland.
This past weekend, I made homemade tomato soup.  The base was carrots and onions, totally pulverized.  No one would even know they were in the soup.  I even put the tomatoes through the blender.  It's healthy, a gorgeous red, and made even better by adding a few croutons on the top.  Tonight, as I am about to serve myself a second bowl, the little voices beside me at my beloved island utter those dreaded words, "Mommy, this just isn't my favorite".  Of course not.  Had I lost my mind?  Vegetables?  Not from a can?  I am not going to lie...the soup was fantastic.  And I know it to be true because I gave some to my girlfriend down the street and she said it's amazing-and she'd never lie to me.  Far better than the bologna and cheese sandwich that was made as the alternative.
So what meals are left?  My homemade chili, my burgers, and my revised meatballs.  Great news-Ciera claims she does not like turkey but I make all of these with ground turkey....but she's none the wiser.  I can't wait to break it to her that she loves turkey, someday.
Tomorrow Bob has a guys night. Usually that means we'll serve whatever is in the fridge.  However, it's clear that it's not going to pass the kids.  They'll be having frozen chicken fingers from a bag, maybe a can of green beans.  I'll be having whatever I want with a glass of red.  Probably cheese and wheat thins.  Guess we all have our favorites. 
For the record, I'll keep making adult nights of chicken curry, mussels, roasted chicken.  Because I get to have my favorite too.  And it's just not bologna and cheese.  And it's my kitchen...that I share.


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