Summer Break

Been so long since I drafted a blog...but I am thrilled that I am.  I'll recap a few headlines to catch up....
The kids, mercifully, are on summer break.  Isaiah is officially going to 4th grade and ended the year well---not to say we didn't have moments of tremendous doubt.   Personally, I hated third grade.  For starters, I got to intimately friend the teacher staff and I am not kidding when I tell you that I have given them all hugs and end of year gifts as a parting farewell.  I am sure they are very comfortable with the good bye.  Isaiah did win 3rd place in the science fair and we ran right to Michael's and got that puppy framed.  No messing around and take no prisoners where the accolades show up.
Ciera had a great year in school.  Didn't get to know her teacher as well, blessed, because I was busy communicating with the third grade staff.  However, Ciera was happy for the most part, has a true bestie, and from what I can tell, effectively was a teacher's aide in the 2nd grade.  On non uniform days it was all I could do to keep her from wearing the sparkly heels a friend gave her for Christmas, she wore chalk in her hair, and has an interesting fashion sense where belts are concerned. Currently Ciera is documenting all aspects of a restaurant she and her friend want to open-and my playroom looks like a white board gone amuck with things stuck on walls and folios everywhere.
In other news, our dogs are still poorly behaved.  Bob installed devices in the front hall to prevent the dogs from barking as it releases a high pitched noise when the dogs bark....needless to say, Ben at minimum must have hearing loss because he's not participating.  Felicity is still having a one sided love affair with me....while I was in Boston on business this week, she peed in my bed and it was nothing short of a flood.  Bob almost made her move out, but candidly, where's she going to go?  A bumpy bulldog with a hell of a health record-not a hot commodity.  So, she's still living here although her kennel has been reintroduced, and we are all hoping she's very happy in her room.
Today we headed out for lunch and shopping and I decided at our second stop that the kids really needed to better learn to hold doors for each other and those behind them.  We must have done a great job because Ciera ended up in tears at the refurbushed furniture shop.  It's awesome to have family time.
I'm into eating healthy, doing South Beach but today threw me into disaster mode and found myself at the Cookout Drive through with an Reese Cup milkshake in hand.  Hell, tomorrow is another day.
Here's the other thing about summer...the pool is polarizing.  Some days it is like the arc of the covenant, they love it, they can't get enough-it's like they have NEVER SEEN A POOL.  It's amazing.  However, often days include...when are you going to come in the water?  When I want to. What do you think is going to happen if I come in?  Ice cream will fall from the sky?  The fun will hit insanity?  Tough one-as much as I want to have fun, something to be said for my Kindle and my ice cold beer.  Mommy needs a minute.  We did have a great trip to Hilton Head in June and I took the kids to the beach early in the morning and we boogie boarded-and that was fantastic but hard to repeat. Especially at the local pool.
For now, we're enjoying no homework, no organized sports, and right now, watching Indiana Jones.  Hard to hear, because Felicity is snoring but we've become almost immune.  I can't say the same for Ciera's never ending questions.
Happy Summer.


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