Golden Memory

I often forget that there was a time when my kids were not living with me-and that they have had this life that I was not a part of.  I also feel like we spend so much time talking as  family that I naively think “I know everything”….but I don’t.  And they are funny in the ways that they let me know that. 
Ciera has spoken on occasion about how she loved going to Golden Corral when the kids were living with their foster parents.  In fact, she’s gone on and on about it.  The chocolate fountain, desserts, and Isaiah has joined her in his love for buffets and choices. 
I can’t recall if I’d ever been to a Golden Corral…Not going to lie, I do recall a visit or two to Ponderosa.  And while it was a childhood memory that is hazy now, I didn’t remember it in such a way that I was running back.
But, this summer, on our way home from a trip to the mountains, Bob looked at me and with a twinkle in his eye, he said “let’s do it, let’s go.” I had just seen the sign for the nearest exit so I was able to connect his meaning.  I too smiled, and thought, this one is going to be interesting.
Pulling into the parking lot, you would have thought we were leaving for Disney World.  “We’re going to Golden Corral???Today? For real???”  We could barely prevent the kids from running through the parking lot.
Upon entering, they took over, being our guides through the maze of drink ordering, prepaying, and finding optimal seats near the dessert bar.  They were almost going to combust.  Both kids hit up the buffet, but not until they inspected the marshmallows and krispie treats available to dip in the chocolate fountain.  They were beside themselves.
Throughout our meal, the kids kept asking if we liked it, and encouraged us to try other foods, because it’s all ‘free’!  They both had several plates, and were loving the many choices and things they could try.
Most of all, though, I realized half way through the meal-they were sharing this memory with us.  Bob and I spend so much time and effort to expose the kids to things we love-travel, restaurants, hiking, dogs, cooking-that we forgot that they can expose us.  And exposure is learning.  During the meal, Isaiah was eating a piece of meatloaf and I was flabbergasted….”you like meatloaf?” I asked.  He responded “I LOVE meatloaf!”  I looked at him and said “I had no idea”, and a very logical Isaiah response came back, “well, you never asked”.   He was entirely right.  I have never cooked meatloaf, so I had no idea my son loved it.
The kids also took us a bit down their memory lane, of times they had been to Golden Corral with their foster family and how much fun they had.  How there were a few kids at the foster family, so it was a great way to feed the group.
The culmination of the evening was the many visits we all took to the chocolate fountain, where the kids were careful coaches, letting us know the best way to dip the morsels into the fountain.  It was ridiculous how much fun we all had—and how I learned from the kids.
Bob and I could not stop laughing and smiling through this meal.  We realized that we should have done this years ago-immediately-with the kids.  We also were so enchanted that while we have saved for months to take them to foreign places, how content they are to have dinner with us at a local buffet.  It was heartwarming and reminded us that magic can happen anywhere.


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