Happy Camper

 Last fall, we bought a travel trailer.  We had dabbled with the idea for a few months, saw a used one that was a reasonable deal, and bought it.  Bob still can't believe that I agreed to it that quickly.  I hate to spend money.
We got a couple trips in before the weather turned cold, but we were eager to have adventures as soon as the weather became warmer.  So, this spring, we became road warriors.  We went from Tennessee to West Virginia, and all over North Carolina.  
Turns out I loved it.  Truly.
The camper is simple.  It's got plenty of room for us to be comfortable but it's totally uncomplicated.  I can't make it complex, even if I try.  My favorite parts are sitting by a creek in the morning drinking a cup of tea with Bob, or all of us by the campfire talking and I'm holding my little dog-who, by the way, now gets to come on all my adventures.  It's peaceful.  We've camped so close to a river that I could hear the water at night, and I've had my tea while looking up at the Smokey Mountains.
When we are home, we are on the move.  We're headed to see friends, I'm cooking for the week, or we have a place to be for the kids.   It's just busy and that's life, but I get so focused on what's next that I often miss the moment.
But when we are camped on the side of a mountain, I can't be busy.  I can just BE.  I can hold hands with my husband or play in the field with the kids or lay on the blanket with my dog.  I can embrace my life and the world without distraction.  
Camping has let me LET GO.  I rarely do that, but this discovery has provided me that opportunity and helped remind me of my why.  It's my family and time with them.  Laughing.  Quiet.  Late night walks.  
The kids seem to love it and get a kick out of whole thing.  They know it's work to set up, but they are helpful and when I see them cuddled in their sleeping bags, I pray that they remember this time and how simple things matter so much and how the best memories can be so low cost.
So, the girl who likes fancy wine, a new dress and the hottest new hotel, also loves the simple life of a cold beer, hiking boots, and a blanket.
Blessings come in so many forms.


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