Roughing it

Our family recently purchased a new camper---it's pretty sweet.  Let me tell you a bit of this backstory.
Bob and I loved camping-even independently before we knew each other.  In college, I worked for an outdoor store and have loved camping ever since.  It's my inner hippie that I now hide under my suit.  Catch me camping and I'm in a doo rag, drinking a beer with my old koozie and walking late night with my dog.  Bob says every now and then the hippie comes out.  She is full on today.
When we married, we took a few tent trips together and had fun.  Truth be told, Ben the Dog never really slept when we camped, always ready to defend me.  Bella the Bulldog, Bob's dog, took his cue, and one of our laughable memories now was that after a long night in the tent, Bob turned to me and said, "So glad to see NO ONE slept last night."
The kids came along and we introduced them.  We tent camped on Grandfather Mt in NC--now a treasured and special place for us.  However, that first night was a full on debacle.  After dinner we put the kids in their tent right beside ours and then the skies opened.  Thunder, lightening and horrific storms.  It's no surprise that we all ended up in one tent, like sardines.  I was sure the kids would never camp again.  The following morning, Bob went out to find coffee only for the woman at the coffee shop to offer him shelter as he was a bit worse for the wear.  Coming down the mountain that afternoon, we stopped to check out campers on a whim.  Was it really a whim?  And let's be clear--genius marketing is placing your RV shop a the base of a known camping location.   Trust me--I do this for a living.
A year later, we had a hybrid camper--opened on both ends in tent form.  It was awesome.  At that time we had Felicity the Bulldog, Ben the Dog's latest sister from a local rescue.  She was a doll but enamored with me so we spent the first trip fearful she'd jump through a window to accompany me anywhere I went.  Thus, I had a trusted comrade for all my trips to the trash receptacle.  That weekend Ciera was grounded because she had comandered  the stereo.  I also almost took out a woman at the soccer park who told me the park that we were playing at was "dog free".  Whatever.  I actually don't want to live in a world that is dog free.
We had tons of adventures in that camper, from returns to Grandfather to beaches in Edisto, to West Va with Bob's family.  I learned that the simple life still entices me.  I have operationalized the preparation such that somewhere, someone owes me a black belt for the end to end process.
This past January, Bob and I went to the RV show.  Like all shows, they wisely serve beer.  We eagerly took in all the new features available and started thinking about what we could do if we were all in committed to this camping life.
Always on the hunt for a deal, Bob befriended a gentleman in Georgia, willing to sell a very gently used small Winnebago--literally, y'all, it's called a Minnie Winnie.  I know because I am an active member of the Facebook group.
This camper has taken me to a whole new level of decorating and preparation, but the bunk beds, outdoor kitchen and awning have alerted me that I am fringing on not really camping.  But here's the real deal.
I am writing this from the middle of the Smoky Mountains.  I brought the gang here last year for the first time.  I used to come here with a few friends when I was in college, and this year we are staying at the same campground I did 20 years ago.  (I know you are asking yourself-how can that be true? Lauren doesn't look like that's even possible.  I share your surprise, friends.). My kids are off playing with other children, I have never seen Isaiah so messy and excited, and Ciera so peaceful.  Bob is reading by the fire, and Ben the Dog (who truly will outlive us all)is sleeping on his lap.  Yesterday we hiked in the National Park and got all wet in the Pigeon River.
Sometimes life is a rat race, right?  It's crazy and it's all I can do to fit in 30 mins to run or take a bath,  For real.  I am an effing taxi cab.
I am sitting here realizing how blessed I am.  I have my people nearby.  A stack of books.  Took everyone to play bumper cars earlier and now have a Wicked Weed Pernicious in my koozie.  Amazing run yesterday.  Played in the river.
Blessed?  Beyond.  Almost embarrassedly so.
Reality---not really roughing it in this camper that has been a tremendous adventure.  But when I think back on my life, these are probably the days I'll remember with smiles.  The kids still want to hang with us, my husband likes to hold my hand, and blessed, my almost 15 year old dog is happy to be with us.
I'll take it.  ALL.  DAY.  LONG.


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