Back to School

Back to school.  
Can’t.  This year, I had one child return to elementary school and another rose to middle school.  I love summer.  I hate back to school.

Since returning to school, it has been ugly at my house. UGLY.  Chores have gone to pot.  Someone has cried every day, it has been me many times.  I have no idea what my children are eating at school or home.  Chinese food from last weekend is still being rationed to prevent me from having to produce a real meal.  I think tonight is a chicken from Costco because Bob stopped there.  No clue what is going with it…Cheerios? Scratch that, we are out of cereal.

Last week one kid threw up on the bus before it ever got to school and immediately wanted to come home.  Who can blame that?  Same kid missed the bus as it left school the following day--running after it, only to be left behind and have to make the call of shame to Dad.  Dad was working a 24shift at the fire dept.  Mom was in a meeting and didn’t answer her phone because one would think that a bus route is a reasonable transportation method.   #villagestepsin and my friend and neighbor retrieved.  Long conversation about paying attention to said child who claimed to be reading so intensely that bus line was missed. Sure.  No chance I believe that.

Last night other kid realized at 9:30 that there was a quiz today.  My response was “Well, good luck tomorrow.  It’s time for bed.  I wish you well and wonder what your grade will be.”  Tears.  All over.  In the mudroom.  Same kid urgently needed a bandaid, but upon inspection had experienced a full miracle and was healed because the cut disappeared.  That’s Jesus right there friends.  He does not fail us.

I am on a cleanse and not drinking.  What kind of a moron am I?  Like it is my first day at this?  At my desk today I ran out of clean snacks and thought I might die.

On top of wine my only other indulgence is the Handmaid’s Tale. I have finished the season and have lost my inspiration and BFF, June.  Maybe she is free to come help me vacuum?

Carry on.  I’m just over here in a puddle.  Happy weekend.  Just kidding….we have a soccer tournament for both kids on different fields.  I am training to work for Uber.


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