
Showing posts from 2017

Golden Memory

I often forget that there was a time when my kids were not living with me-and that they have had this life that I was not a part of.  I also feel like we spend so much time talking as  family that I naively think “I know everything”….but I don’t.  And they are funny in the ways that they let me know that.  Ciera has spoken on occasion about how she loved going to Golden Corral when the kids were living with their foster parents.  In fact, she’s gone on and on about it.  The chocolate fountain, desserts, and Isaiah has joined her in his love for buffets and choices.  I can’t recall if I’d ever been to a Golden Corral…Not going to lie, I do recall a visit or two to Ponderosa.  And while it was a childhood memory that is hazy now, I didn’t remember it in such a way that I was running back. But, this summer, on our way home from a trip to the mountains, Bob looked at me and with a twinkle in his eye, he said “let’s do it, let’s go.” I had just ...

Older and wise

Last weekend, Bob and I, along with many friends, attended a fundraiser to help prospective families adopt through scholarships.  It was a fabulous evening, full of love, support, and a community of people doing the right thing.  It got me thinking about adoption more than I have in a while…while I am almost three years into knowing my children, I’ve been reflecting on the period of time when we were in the daunting process.   It reminded me of the many people who are searching to build their families and the challenging task that it is to do so.  In many cases, it’s so costly it feels insurmountable, thus the fundraising need.  However, I wanted to put pen to paper about my experience because, as a result of public adoption, my experience may seem different. I believe I have written about the fact that we found a not for profit agency that provided training, a social worker and many resources to support us through the process of creating our home study...

Summer Break

Been so long since I drafted a blog...but I am thrilled that I am.  I'll recap a few headlines to catch up.... The kids, mercifully, are on summer break.  Isaiah is officially going to 4th grade and ended the year well---not to say we didn't have moments of tremendous doubt.   Personally, I hated third grade.  For starters, I got to intimately friend the teacher staff and I am not kidding when I tell you that I have given them all hugs and end of year gifts as a parting farewell.  I am sure they are very comfortable with the good bye.  Isaiah did win 3rd place in the science fair and we ran right to Michael's and got that puppy framed.  No messing around and take no prisoners where the accolades show up. Ciera had a great year in school.  Didn't get to know her teacher as well, blessed, because I was busy communicating with the third grade staff.  However, Ciera was happy for the most part, has a true bestie, and from what I can tell, effec...