A Place

Last week, the kids and Bob and I were on vacation in Hilton Head.  Bob's dad and his girlfriend-Grandma and Grandpa-joined us.  In order to do this, I pulled the kids from school for the week.  Less than ideal, but I was so encouraged that when I asked the teachers for work and their support, they were great, providing work for us to do with the kids and encouraging all of us to have a great time.
Hilton Head is a very special place to me.  As a child, my family vacationed there most years, and we enjoyed time at the beach in the warm water.  We loved trying the restaurants, taking walks on the beach, and they are truly some of my favorite memories.  Bob and I got married on the beach there, and now Being able to share that special place with friends and family-especially the kids, has been really awesome, like passing down a tradition.
It struck me, one day on the trip, as I watched the kids playing in the ocean with their boogie boards (once of which was superglued....story for another night) that a year ago this same week we had taken the kids on their first trip with us.  Bob and I had planned to go to Hilton Head for Columbus Day, but once we met the kids and were matched, we figured that plan would change since our visits with the kids commenced each weekend.  I flew home on a Thursday from a business trip to see a twinkle in my husband's eye.  He'd arranged with all the social workers and powers that be that we'd be able to take the kids to Hilton Head for a long weekend.  He had travel papers and everything.  I melted into a puddle, was beside myself, and packed what I thought kids at the beach needed for the hours that followed.  It was an awesome weekend, full of fun, a crash course in parenting, overpacking, and naps.  It was that weekend we learned that Ciera was quite scared of the ocean, and while the children had seen the ocean once before, they were not accustomed to it.  Ciera wouldn't go in without both of us, and Isaiah was eager but daunted by the waves.
What a difference a year makes! Both kids were swimming, boogie boarding, and enjoying the surf.  It was awesome to watch.  The evolution continued when Ciera tried a few fried shrimp, and even liked them.  I about died when Isaiah used the word "lovely" to describe something...while kids growing up is an evolution, parts of my kids have been revolutionized in a healthy way.  I felt so much like their mom and proud.
Because we are insane, we brought Ben the Dog along for the ride.  Two kids and a dog-no problem.  Ben was thankful, and let everyone on the beach know that by barking adamantly at anyone-human, bird, or other species-to let them know that this was his beach, and suggested they step off.  Ben received several baths to rid him of sand and I made many apologies for his ridiculousness.  However, it was the right decision.  Every kid should have a chance to play in the waves with his poorly behaved dog.  Where was Felicity, you ask?  Basking in the glow of sitting on furniture at my neighbor's home, having her own vacation.  It's all relative.  Here is hoping that she becomes a 'trusted' pet and can join us in the future.
This year, we decided that we needed to feel comfortable on vacation, and needed to feel safe.  As such, we spent 2 weeks on Hilton Head, over the course of several trips.  I am so glad we did.  Hilton Head is as familiar to me as my own home, so vacationing as parents for the first time-stressful enough-was reduced by the confidence that I knew where to go to do all the things I needed.  I felt the spirit of past years, my dad, and knew I was adding to a beautiful tradition.  Hilton Head brings me peace, and I am so hopeful that I can give my children a 'place' that wherever they live, they can return to in order to rest, recharge, and remember their childhood-with their families.


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