Behind the Scenes
When the kids' adoption was finalized, I realized that I would officially lose the support of my social worker and the kids' social worker. While both of them are amazing, wonderful people, they have a community to serve, and can't be my first call for advice, questions, etc. I was able to get a referral to something called "Post Adoption Services".....basically an agency that continues supporting a new family after the adoption is finalized. About a month ago, two women, both social workers, came to my home, sat with me, and we talked through our family, what's working, what needs improvement, and what kind of support we think we'd still benefit from. When our meeting was over, I told them I felt like I could breathe, knowing there was someone at the other end of the phone if I felt like I was dealing with a situation out of my league. It doesn't happen often, but I love having that safety net. I think there is a preconceived notio...