
We spent a final summer weekend on Hilton Head just before the start of school.  It was lovely in a million ways.  I found I was able to take things, even my own emergency to urgent care, more in stride. The kids were delightful.  I had a great time playing with them, building in the sand, swimming, and beamed with pride when they politely ordered their own meals...something they've learned to do since living with me.   We played games, took a nap during a thunderstorm, and authentically laughed.  My mother joined us for the trip.  The kids adore her and the feelings are mutual. There is something so warming to see she and the kids love each other, like I was able to bring some people together who really needed the other.  I have realized by having my own kids how valuable and wonderful my mother is. She totally jumps in, helps cooking, plays with them, and encourages them to learn.   Mom also gives us the great gift of time alone. Bob and I took a few walks on our own, and had a date night complete with drinks, dinner,and listening to a band. It's crazy to me how time with Bob, without kids, is essential to my sanity in a way I never knew.  It feels so great to take a small purse with no activities in it to dinner, hold Bob's hand, and laugh.  Just be the girl with him.  I start the following day with energy that I did not have the day prior.  Dates are like fuel....attention, love, quiet helps me find myself again. And makes me a better mom.
Since the adoption is final, but I am far from feeling confident In this new role, we've gotten hooked up with this amazing agency that serves families post adoption finalization.  They told me I was the most responsive client they've ever had....I advised that was a symptom of my novice status!  I'll take all the help I can. So, we now have a social worker who helps me vet through how to handle situations in parenting, set goals, and is guiding me through a 6 week parenting class.  We also have a therapist for family counseling, should we need it.  It's like an answered prayer to have these women come alongside me and assure me that things actually are going well....and be there for us anytime.   They do all this in the comfort of my home which shows me they understand the best way to serve families.
I have 3 weeks left of my leave.  I am eager to enjoy these weeks.....I'll keep hitting the gym, cooking (esp for the freezer), finish a few projects....and get the kids off to the right start at school.  I'm excited for a new year for all of an official family.


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