And we're back

Kids began school on Monday.  As Bob and I were working out early Monday am, he asked if I was going to cry walking the kids into their new classes.  I adamantly replied "no way, not my style.  Just not sentimental".  He agreed, I am not.
Got the kids up, got them moving.  Ciera admitted she had awoken during the night and was so excited she couldn't fall back to sleep.  Kids ate breakfast, fed the dogs.  Seemed like things were going to go as planned.  If they did, I had plans to treat myself to lunch...:)
Wasn't meant to be.  After the seventh time Felicity the Bulldog puked, I knew the day was going to be different than I had envisioned.  However, I figured she'd survive while Bob and I did first day of school fun.  School was a mob scene....Kids everywhere.  I was reminded to walk the green line on the floor by my own kids.  We found each of their classrooms without trouble, introduced our happy selves to the teachers who I am consistently floored have the patience to enter and remain in this profession.  As Bob and I walked away after both children were safely in their classrooms, I felt this weird thing in my throat and a strange emotion.  I almost cried.  It's still hard for me to figure out why that happened?  Part of me is dying for them to have a good year full of academic success and friendships....Maybe because they looked cute in their uniforms? Maybe joy that they had made it to the next grade?  Joy that someone else was going to help educate them beyond me?  (Sidenote-Isaiah very seriously, in the car on the way, asked to be confirm 100% that he was in fact going to second grade, and not going back to which I laughed and assured him that we had the right information.)
Upon returning home, it was clear Felicity was not well based upon more puke.  During the rush to the doctor, she puked three times in the car, and tried to join me in the front seat.  Through tears, I was yelling "Hang on Felicity!".  Felicity spent Monday with the vet for observation.  She demonstrated no issues while there, of course,, so we elected to forgo the $600 estimate for tests, give her a shot of medicine to reduce her tummy trouble and see how things went.  She's been eating like a champ ever since.  Shame on me................and I am not even a dog mom amateur.  It was almost like she was bitter someone else had a big day.
I did not take myself to lunch.  I am sure you are shocked.


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