
So this blog was initially intended to serve for fun ideas, house stuff, etc.  And while I intend to continue to put those out there, I'd be remiss if I didn't allow the blog to evolve along with my story, and the story of my family.
About 7 months ago,  Isaiah (7) and Ciera (6) came to live with us.  After a long adoption journey, Bob and I found the children we were seeking and it was the best Thanksgiving we've ever had.  7 months later, the world in my little home has changed more than I can ever write about.  It's been great, loving, crazy, loud and MESSY.  I've taken some time off this summer to spend with them, and in an effort to keep my sanity solid, I'm returning to the writing I enjoy.

I could go back and write the whole story, but that seems silly as so much has happened.  So, I'm picking up where I am, and we are, today.  I'll throw in some anecdotes along the way.

We just returned from the longest roadtrip known to man.  I was determined, while I was off from working, that we head to NJ to visit with family and friends that we don't get to see often.  My mother joined the kids and I on the expedition.  NC to NJ used to be just a piece of cake in my college years and I was certain with a few movies, snacks, and new activities, we'd be jetting.  And so we were, for the first 6 hours.  And then we hit Washington DC.  I use the word 'hit' delibrately.  What a mess.  We sat for hours.  Most of us have done this-taken a road trip, and been stuck.  So now I am part of the club that has done this with kids.  HOT MESS.  Of course, a little voice from the back lets me  know that a potty must be found immediately.  While we are on 495. Around Bethesda.  Where you can't even pull over.  Any place. 
We get off the highway.  By the way, Bethesda, you need a fast food joint, a gas station, something for the love of God.  But no luck.  And why should it matter because the moment for the potty has passed, and we are now into flooding mode in the backseat.  I may have now used a less than kind word, maybe not as under my breath as I had hoped.  So I turn into a neighborhood that looks a lot like mine.  I change some little clothes, change the cover on the carseats, pray that I can do this with patience when my true feelings are brimming......
I realize we have to get back into the traffic jam.  Again.  And we'll be there for a long time.  And I will probably have to pee.   So I literally do what I can't even imagine.  I find a cluster of woods and pee.  Because I know that a bathroom in the MidAtlantic is the promised land-far away, unattainable, and a mirage at times.  No one in the car even blinks an eye that I do this.  Because it seems reasonable.  As we drive away, I realize I am playing in a whole new arena, and I have NO CLUE what I am doing.


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