Shark Week

It's Shark Week if anyone has missed that.  Discovery Channel is all sharks, all day and night.  Isaiah is obsessed with sharks and knows facts I can't even begin to understand how he's acquired.  So, this week is pretty much like a holiday for him.  Since I have to believe that Shark Week shows are better TV than about 90% of the kids cartoon nonsense that is on, I have my DVR at capacity keeping the shows for him.
However, last night, when reviewing the episodes recorded, I discovered this amateur mom had recorded shark attack victim survivor stories.  It wasn't until the parental warning message came on at the start that an alarm went off in my body-oh CRAP.  Quickly, I stopped the show explaining horribly that some of the shark week shoes are not a good fit for children.  Crestfallen, Isaiah understood but was irritated with me.  He and I have a deal on these shows-you must continue to swim in the ocean, there are no sharks in Hilton Head (wink:)) since that's where we go a few times a year, and he has to read to me in order to get to watch a show.....which, by the way, is working.  Ciera has gently reminded me, several times, "I am not as interested in sharks".  Yes, girlfriend, I get that. You are not alone.


  1. Love this! It's like I'm reading letters from you again but we're all grown up. :) And by the way -- Mally has watched plenty of bad TV w/ no reading required. Bad mom.


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