Tall Tale

As the kids and I were leaving the house yesterday in the car, they happened to mention that there was a dead squirrel laying on the roof outside Ciera's window.  Seemed odd, but they both confirmed the story.  They were so calm that I was shocked.  Isaiah even had a proposed backstory that included a battle with a turkey vulture.  They were so adamant that I got Bob on the phone to see if he had heard anything during the night-and prepare him for clean up  duty.  Dead animals are out of scope for me.
Pulling into the drive on the way into the house, there was something on the roof.  Brown, odd looking, small.  I put out one more challenge for confirmation to the kids, and assured them I'd do the double check.
We were not in the house 3 minutes when they came downstairs yelling "it's a leaf, it's a leaf!!!" Far more likely.  Sure enough, the leaf had been mistaken for a dead squirrel.  I myself am not sure on WHAT PLANET a leaf looks like a squirrel. Lesson learned-view the situation before taking their word for it.  They are seeking tall tales, excitement, and most of life is for their interpretation.


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