My little companion

My dog, Ben, is a punchline throughout my family.  My adoration for him has no bounds, my forgiveness everlasting, and it's the most ridiculous love affair of my life.  I will never claim him to be well behaved; however, it's a friendship that has shown me unconditional love.
Ben is eleven.  I adopted Ben when he was a few months old, from a shelter.  He was the first dog I ever had-after many years of wanting one.  He was fuzzy, ill, and cost me a fortune to better.  Through the years, he has demonstrated his devotion, while finicky, and has been my faithful companion.  He's joined many a conference call with his shrill bark, scared away a delivery guy or two (while only 12 pounds himself) and managed to eat most of the things he should never touch.
Earlier this week, Ben and I took a run.  We do this from time to time, and it never ceases to amaze me that Ben, in his senior age, can not only keep up with me, but is typically up ahead of me-something like an encourager.  This most recent run included Ben and I heading up the path to the kids' school, running around the athletic fields, and back home.  There's a big hill on the return route to our neighborhood, one that I don't particularly enjoy myself.  However, I saw Ben's eleven years this week.  Heading up that hill, I had to slow down for him for the first time.  To be fair, we'd done almost 2 miles together, and I have to imagine the heat bearing down on a little black dog was probably not in his favor.  But, it made me think about Ben a little differently.
While Ben is in great health, he's no puppy.   The idea made me kind of sad, and I realized that I should savor the dysfunction in our relationship now.  Bob assures me that Ben will join us in a retirement community....and while that would be Bob's nightmare....
Ben slowing down is a bit of a metaphor.  It's a reminder for me to really spend time doing what matters and what brings joy.  Ben is a hot mess, but he brings me joy.  I love walking him.  I love quiet times in the house....I love cooking....I love writing.  So, as life begins to become a bit more hectic, I am using that run with Ben as a reminder to savor moments as I can.


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